LLVM 20.0.0git
Typedefs | Functions

Contexts are execution states for the core LLVM IR system. More...

Collaboration diagram for Contexts:


typedef void(* LLVMDiagnosticHandler) (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef, void *)
typedef void(* LLVMYieldCallback) (LLVMContextRef, void *)


LLVMContextRef LLVMContextCreate (void)
 Create a new context.
LLVMContextRef LLVMGetGlobalContext (void)
 Obtain the global context instance.
void LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMDiagnosticHandler Handler, void *DiagnosticContext)
 Set the diagnostic handler for this context.
LLVMDiagnosticHandler LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler (LLVMContextRef C)
 Get the diagnostic handler of this context.
void * LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext (LLVMContextRef C)
 Get the diagnostic context of this context.
void LLVMContextSetYieldCallback (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMYieldCallback Callback, void *OpaqueHandle)
 Set the yield callback function for this context.
LLVMBool LLVMContextShouldDiscardValueNames (LLVMContextRef C)
 Retrieve whether the given context is set to discard all value names.
void LLVMContextSetDiscardValueNames (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMBool Discard)
 Set whether the given context discards all value names.
void LLVMContextDispose (LLVMContextRef C)
 Destroy a context instance.
charLLVMGetDiagInfoDescription (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef DI)
 Return a string representation of the DiagnosticInfo.
LLVMDiagnosticSeverity LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef DI)
 Return an enum LLVMDiagnosticSeverity.
unsigned LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name, unsigned SLen)
unsigned LLVMGetMDKindID (const char *Name, unsigned SLen)
unsigned LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName (const char *Name, size_t SLen)
 Return an unique id given the name of a enum attribute, or 0 if no attribute by that name exists.
unsigned LLVMGetLastEnumAttributeKind (void)
LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateEnumAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, uint64_t Val)
 Create an enum attribute.
unsigned LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind (LLVMAttributeRef A)
 Get the unique id corresponding to the enum attribute passed as argument.
uint64_t LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A)
 Get the enum attribute's value.
LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateTypeAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, LLVMTypeRef type_ref)
 Create a type attribute.
LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A)
 Get the type attribute's value.
LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateConstantRangeAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, unsigned NumBits, const uint64_t LowerWords[], const uint64_t UpperWords[])
 Create a ConstantRange attribute.
LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateStringAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, const char *K, unsigned KLength, const char *V, unsigned VLength)
 Create a string attribute.
const charLLVMGetStringAttributeKind (LLVMAttributeRef A, unsigned *Length)
 Get the string attribute's kind.
const charLLVMGetStringAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A, unsigned *Length)
 Get the string attribute's value.
LLVMBool LLVMIsEnumAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A)
 Check for the different types of attributes.
LLVMBool LLVMIsStringAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A)
LLVMBool LLVMIsTypeAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A)
LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeByName2 (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name)
 Obtain a Type from a context by its registered name.

Detailed Description

Contexts are execution states for the core LLVM IR system.

Most types are tied to a context instance. Multiple contexts can exist simultaneously. A single context is not thread safe. However, different contexts can execute on different threads simultaneously.

Typedef Documentation

◆ LLVMDiagnosticHandler

typedef void(* LLVMDiagnosticHandler) (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef, void *)

Definition at line 564 of file Core.h.

◆ LLVMYieldCallback

typedef void(* LLVMYieldCallback) (LLVMContextRef, void *)

Definition at line 565 of file Core.h.

Function Documentation

◆ LLVMContextCreate()

LLVMContextRef LLVMContextCreate ( void  )

Create a new context.

Every call to this function should be paired with a call to LLVMContextDispose() or the context will leak memory.

Definition at line 97 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMContextDispose()

void LLVMContextDispose ( LLVMContextRef  C)

Destroy a context instance.

This should be called for every call to LLVMContextCreate() or memory will be leaked.

Definition at line 136 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext()

void * LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext ( LLVMContextRef  C)

Get the diagnostic context of this context.

Definition at line 117 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler()

LLVMDiagnosticHandler LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler ( LLVMContextRef  C)

Get the diagnostic handler of this context.

Definition at line 112 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, LLVM_EXTENSION, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler()

void LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler ( LLVMContextRef  C,
LLVMDiagnosticHandler  Handler,
void *  DiagnosticContext 

Set the diagnostic handler for this context.

Definition at line 103 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, LLVM_EXTENSION, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextSetDiscardValueNames()

void LLVMContextSetDiscardValueNames ( LLVMContextRef  C,
LLVMBool  Discard 

Set whether the given context discards all value names.

If true, only the names of GlobalValue objects will be available in the IR. This can be used to save memory and runtime, especially in release mode.

See also

Definition at line 132 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextSetYieldCallback()

void LLVMContextSetYieldCallback ( LLVMContextRef  C,
LLVMYieldCallback  Callback,
void *  OpaqueHandle 

Set the yield callback function for this context.

See also

Definition at line 121 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, LLVM_EXTENSION, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMContextShouldDiscardValueNames()

LLVMBool LLVMContextShouldDiscardValueNames ( LLVMContextRef  C)

Retrieve whether the given context is set to discard all value names.

See also

Definition at line 128 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMCreateConstantRangeAttribute()

LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateConstantRangeAttribute ( LLVMContextRef  C,
unsigned  KindID,
unsigned  NumBits,
const uint64_t  LowerWords[],
const uint64_t  UpperWords[] 

Create a ConstantRange attribute.

LowerWords and UpperWords need to be NumBits divided by 64 rounded up elements long.

Definition at line 187 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::divideCeil(), llvm::Attribute::get(), unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMCreateEnumAttribute()

LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateEnumAttribute ( LLVMContextRef  C,
unsigned  KindID,
uint64_t  Val 

Create an enum attribute.

Definition at line 157 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::Attribute::get(), unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMCreateStringAttribute()

LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateStringAttribute ( LLVMContextRef  C,
const char K,
unsigned  KLength,
const char V,
unsigned  VLength 

Create a string attribute.

Definition at line 201 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::Attribute::get(), unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMCreateTypeAttribute()

LLVMAttributeRef LLVMCreateTypeAttribute ( LLVMContextRef  C,
unsigned  KindID,
LLVMTypeRef  type_ref 

Create a type attribute.

Definition at line 175 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::Attribute::get(), unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription()

char * LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription ( LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef  DI)

Return a string representation of the DiagnosticInfo.

Use LLVMDisposeMessage to free the string.

See also

Definition at line 235 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::raw_ostream::flush(), LLVMCreateMessage(), llvm::BasicBlock::print(), and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity()

LLVMDiagnosticSeverity LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity ( LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef  DI)

Return an enum LLVMDiagnosticSeverity.

See also

Definition at line 246 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::DS_Note, llvm::DS_Remark, llvm::DS_Warning, LLVMDSError, LLVMDSNote, LLVMDSRemark, LLVMDSWarning, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind()

unsigned LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Get the unique id corresponding to the enum attribute passed as argument.

Definition at line 164 of file Core.cpp.

References A, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName()

unsigned LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName ( const char Name,
size_t  SLen 

Return an unique id given the name of a enum attribute, or 0 if no attribute by that name exists.

See http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#parameter-attributes and http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#function-attributes for the list of available attributes.

NB: Attribute names and/or id are subject to change without going through the C API deprecation cycle.

Definition at line 149 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::Attribute::getAttrKindFromName(), and Name.

◆ LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue()

uint64_t LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Get the enum attribute's value.

0 is returned if none exists.

Definition at line 168 of file Core.cpp.

References A, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetGlobalContext()

LLVMContextRef LLVMGetGlobalContext ( void  )

Obtain the global context instance.

Definition at line 101 of file Core.cpp.

References getGlobalContext(), and llvm::wrap().

Referenced by LLVMGetBitcodeModule(), LLVMGetBitcodeModule2(), LLVMParseBitcode(), and LLVMParseBitcode2().

◆ LLVMGetLastEnumAttributeKind()

unsigned LLVMGetLastEnumAttributeKind ( void  )

Definition at line 153 of file Core.cpp.


unsigned LLVMGetMDKindID ( const char Name,
unsigned  SLen 

Definition at line 145 of file Core.cpp.

References LLVMGetGlobalContext(), LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext(), and Name.

◆ LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext()

unsigned LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext ( LLVMContextRef  C,
const char Name,
unsigned  SLen 

Definition at line 140 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, Name, and unwrap().

Referenced by LLVMGetMDKindID().

◆ LLVMGetStringAttributeKind()

const char * LLVMGetStringAttributeKind ( LLVMAttributeRef  A,
unsigned Length 

Get the string attribute's kind.

Definition at line 208 of file Core.cpp.

References A, llvm::Length, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetStringAttributeValue()

const char * LLVMGetStringAttributeValue ( LLVMAttributeRef  A,
unsigned Length 

Get the string attribute's value.

Definition at line 215 of file Core.cpp.

References A, llvm::Length, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMGetTypeAttributeValue()

LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeAttributeValue ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Get the type attribute's value.

Definition at line 182 of file Core.cpp.

References A, unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMGetTypeByName2()

LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeByName2 ( LLVMContextRef  C,
const char Name 

Obtain a Type from a context by its registered name.

Definition at line 854 of file Core.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::StructType::getTypeByName(), Name, unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

◆ LLVMIsEnumAttribute()

LLVMBool LLVMIsEnumAttribute ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Check for the different types of attributes.

Definition at line 222 of file Core.cpp.

References A, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMIsStringAttribute()

LLVMBool LLVMIsStringAttribute ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Definition at line 227 of file Core.cpp.

References A, and unwrap().

◆ LLVMIsTypeAttribute()

LLVMBool LLVMIsTypeAttribute ( LLVMAttributeRef  A)

Definition at line 231 of file Core.cpp.

References A, and unwrap().