LLVM 20.0.0git
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1//===- IRSimilarityIdentifier.h - Find similarity in a module --------------==//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// \file
10// Interface file for the IRSimilarityIdentifier for identifying similarities in
11// IR including the IRInstructionMapper, which maps an Instruction to unsigned
12// integers.
14// Two sequences of instructions are called "similar" if they perform the same
15// series of operations for all inputs.
17// \code
18// %1 = add i32 %a, 10
19// %2 = add i32 %a, %1
20// %3 = icmp slt icmp %1, %2
21// \endcode
23// and
25// \code
26// %1 = add i32 11, %a
27// %2 = sub i32 %a, %1
28// %3 = icmp sgt icmp %2, %1
29// \endcode
31// ultimately have the same result, even if the inputs, and structure are
32// slightly different.
34// For instructions, we do not worry about operands that do not have fixed
35// semantic meaning to the program. We consider the opcode that the instruction
36// has, the types, parameters, and extra information such as the function name,
37// or comparison predicate. These are used to create a hash to map instructions
38// to integers to be used in similarity matching in sequences of instructions
40// Terminology:
41// An IRSimilarityCandidate is a region of IRInstructionData (wrapped
42// Instructions), usually used to denote a region of similarity has been found.
44// A SimilarityGroup is a set of IRSimilarityCandidates that are structurally
45// similar to one another.
52#include "llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h"
54#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
55#include "llvm/Pass.h"
57#include <optional>
59namespace llvm {
60class Module;
62namespace IRSimilarity {
66/// This represents what is and is not supported when finding similarity in
67/// Instructions.
69/// Legal Instructions are considered when looking at similarity between
70/// Instructions.
72/// Illegal Instructions cannot be considered when looking for similarity
73/// between Instructions. They act as boundaries between similarity regions.
75/// Invisible Instructions are skipped over during analysis.
76// TODO: Shared with MachineOutliner
79/// This provides the utilities for hashing an Instruction to an unsigned
80/// integer. Two IRInstructionDatas produce the same hash value when their
81/// underlying Instructions perform the same operation (even if they don't have
82/// the same input operands.)
83/// As a more concrete example, consider the following:
85/// \code
86/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b
87/// %add2 = add i32 %c, %d
88/// %add3 = add i64 %e, %f
89/// \endcode
91// Then the IRInstructionData wrappers for these Instructions may be hashed like
92/// so:
94/// \code
95/// ; These two adds have the same types and operand types, so they hash to the
96/// ; same number.
97/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b ; Hash: 1
98/// %add2 = add i32 %c, %d ; Hash: 1
99/// ; This add produces an i64. This differentiates it from %add1 and %add2. So,
100/// ; it hashes to a different number.
101/// %add3 = add i64 %e, %f; Hash: 2
102/// \endcode
105/// This hashing scheme will be used to represent the program as a very long
106/// string. This string can then be placed in a data structure which can be used
107/// for similarity queries.
109/// TODO: Handle types of Instructions which can be equal even with different
110/// operands. (E.g. comparisons with swapped predicates.)
111/// TODO: Handle CallInsts, which are only checked for function type
112/// by \ref isSameOperationAs.
113/// TODO: Handle GetElementPtrInsts, as some of the operands have to be the
114/// exact same, and some do not.
116 : ilist_node<IRInstructionData, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>> {
118 /// The source Instruction that is being wrapped.
119 Instruction *Inst = nullptr;
120 /// The values of the operands in the Instruction.
122 /// The legality of the wrapped instruction. This is informed by InstrType,
123 /// and is used when checking when two instructions are considered similar.
124 /// If either instruction is not legal, the instructions are automatically not
125 /// considered similar.
126 bool Legal = false;
128 /// This is only relevant if we are wrapping a CmpInst where we needed to
129 /// change the predicate of a compare instruction from a greater than form
130 /// to a less than form. It is std::nullopt otherwise.
131 std::optional<CmpInst::Predicate> RevisedPredicate;
133 /// This is only relevant if we are wrapping a CallInst. If we are requiring
134 /// that the function calls have matching names as well as types, and the
135 /// call is not an indirect call, this will hold the name of the function. If
136 /// it is an indirect string, it will be the empty string. However, if this
137 /// requirement is not in place it will be the empty string regardless of the
138 /// function call type. The value held here is used to create the hash of the
139 /// instruction, and check to make sure two instructions are close to one
140 /// another.
141 std::optional<std::string> CalleeName;
143 /// This structure holds the distances of how far "ahead of" or "behind" the
144 /// target blocks of a branch, or the incoming blocks of a phi nodes are.
145 /// If the value is negative, it means that the block was registered before
146 /// the block of this instruction in terms of blocks in the function.
147 /// Code Example:
148 /// \code
149 /// block_1:
150 /// br i1 %0, label %block_2, label %block_3
151 /// block_2:
152 /// br i1 %1, label %block_1, label %block_2
153 /// block_3:
154 /// br i1 %2, label %block_2, label %block_1
155 /// ; Replacing the labels with relative values, this becomes:
156 /// block_1:
157 /// br i1 %0, distance 1, distance 2
158 /// block_2:
159 /// br i1 %1, distance -1, distance 0
160 /// block_3:
161 /// br i1 %2, distance -1, distance -2
162 /// \endcode
163 /// Taking block_2 as our example, block_1 is "behind" block_2, and block_2 is
164 /// "ahead" of block_2.
167 /// Gather the information that is difficult to gather for an Instruction, or
168 /// is changed. i.e. the operands of an Instruction and the Types of those
169 /// operands. This extra information allows for similarity matching to make
170 /// assertions that allow for more flexibility when checking for whether an
171 /// Instruction performs the same operation.
175 /// Fills data stuctures for IRInstructionData when it is constructed from a
176 // reference or a pointer.
179 /// Get the predicate that the compare instruction is using for hashing the
180 /// instruction. the IRInstructionData must be wrapping a CmpInst.
183 /// Get the callee name that the call instruction is using for hashing the
184 /// instruction. The IRInstructionData must be wrapping a CallInst.
185 StringRef getCalleeName() const;
187 /// A function that swaps the predicates to their less than form if they are
188 /// in a greater than form. Otherwise, the predicate is unchanged.
189 ///
190 /// \param CI - The comparison operation to find a consistent preidcate for.
191 /// \return the consistent comparison predicate.
194 /// For an IRInstructionData containing a branch, finds the
195 /// relative distances from the source basic block to the target by taking
196 /// the difference of the number assigned to the current basic block and the
197 /// target basic block of the branch.
198 ///
199 /// \param BasicBlockToInteger - The mapping of basic blocks to their location
200 /// in the module.
201 void
204 /// For an IRInstructionData containing a CallInst, set the function name
205 /// appropriately. This will be an empty string if it is an indirect call,
206 /// or we are not matching by name of the called function. It will be the
207 /// name of the function if \p MatchByName is true and it is not an indirect
208 /// call. We may decide not to match by name in order to expand the
209 /// size of the regions we can match. If a function name has the same type
210 /// signature, but the different name, the region of code is still almost the
211 /// same. Since function names can be treated as constants, the name itself
212 /// could be extrapolated away. However, matching by name provides a
213 /// specificity and more "identical" code than not matching by name.
214 ///
215 /// \param MatchByName - A flag to mark whether we are using the called
216 /// function name as a differentiating parameter.
217 void setCalleeName(bool MatchByName = true);
219 /// For an IRInstructionData containing a PHINode, finds the
220 /// relative distances from the incoming basic block to the current block by
221 /// taking the difference of the number assigned to the current basic block
222 /// and the incoming basic block of the branch.
223 ///
224 /// \param BasicBlockToInteger - The mapping of basic blocks to their location
225 /// in the module.
226 void
229 /// Get the BasicBlock based operands for PHINodes and BranchInsts.
230 ///
231 /// \returns A list of relevant BasicBlocks.
234 /// Hashes \p Value based on its opcode, types, and operand types.
235 /// Two IRInstructionData instances produce the same hash when they perform
236 /// the same operation.
237 ///
238 /// As a simple example, consider the following instructions.
239 ///
240 /// \code
241 /// %add1 = add i32 %x1, %y1
242 /// %add2 = add i32 %x2, %y2
243 ///
244 /// %sub = sub i32 %x1, %y1
245 ///
246 /// %add_i64 = add i64 %x2, %y2
247 /// \endcode
248 ///
249 /// Because the first two adds operate the same types, and are performing the
250 /// same action, they will be hashed to the same value.
251 ///
252 /// However, the subtraction instruction is not the same as an addition, and
253 /// will be hashed to a different value.
254 ///
255 /// Finally, the last add has a different type compared to the first two add
256 /// instructions, so it will also be hashed to a different value that any of
257 /// the previous instructions.
258 ///
259 /// \param [in] ID - The IRInstructionData instance to be hashed.
260 /// \returns A hash_value of the IRInstructionData.
262 SmallVector<Type *, 4> OperTypes;
263 for (Value *V : ID.OperVals)
264 OperTypes.push_back(V->getType());
266 if (isa<CmpInst>(ID.Inst))
267 return llvm::hash_combine(
268 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getOpcode()),
269 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getType()),
270 llvm::hash_value(ID.getPredicate()),
271 llvm::hash_combine_range(OperTypes.begin(), OperTypes.end()));
273 if (IntrinsicInst *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(ID.Inst)) {
274 // To hash intrinsics, we use the opcode, and types like the other
275 // instructions, but also, the Intrinsic ID, and the Name of the
276 // intrinsic.
277 Intrinsic::ID IntrinsicID = II->getIntrinsicID();
278 return llvm::hash_combine(
279 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getOpcode()),
280 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getType()), llvm::hash_value(IntrinsicID),
281 llvm::hash_value(*ID.CalleeName),
282 llvm::hash_combine_range(OperTypes.begin(), OperTypes.end()));
283 }
285 if (isa<CallInst>(ID.Inst)) {
286 std::string FunctionName = *ID.CalleeName;
287 return llvm::hash_combine(
288 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getOpcode()),
289 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getType()),
290 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getType()), llvm::hash_value(FunctionName),
291 llvm::hash_combine_range(OperTypes.begin(), OperTypes.end()));
292 }
294 return llvm::hash_combine(
295 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getOpcode()),
296 llvm::hash_value(ID.Inst->getType()),
297 llvm::hash_combine_range(OperTypes.begin(), OperTypes.end()));
298 }
304 : simple_ilist<IRInstructionData, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>> {};
306/// Compare one IRInstructionData class to another IRInstructionData class for
307/// whether they are performing a the same operation, and can mapped to the
308/// same value. For regular instructions if the hash value is the same, then
309/// they will also be close.
311/// \param A - The first IRInstructionData class to compare
312/// \param B - The second IRInstructionData class to compare
313/// \returns true if \p A and \p B are similar enough to be mapped to the same
314/// value.
315bool isClose(const IRInstructionData &A, const IRInstructionData &B);
317struct IRInstructionDataTraits : DenseMapInfo<IRInstructionData *> {
318 static inline IRInstructionData *getEmptyKey() { return nullptr; }
320 return reinterpret_cast<IRInstructionData *>(-1);
321 }
323 static unsigned getHashValue(const IRInstructionData *E) {
324 using llvm::hash_value;
325 assert(E && "IRInstructionData is a nullptr?");
326 return hash_value(*E);
327 }
329 static bool isEqual(const IRInstructionData *LHS,
330 const IRInstructionData *RHS) {
331 if (RHS == getEmptyKey() || RHS == getTombstoneKey() ||
332 LHS == getEmptyKey() || LHS == getTombstoneKey())
333 return LHS == RHS;
335 assert(LHS && RHS && "nullptr should have been caught by getEmptyKey?");
336 return isClose(*LHS, *RHS);
337 }
340/// Helper struct for converting the Instructions in a Module into a vector of
341/// unsigned integers. This vector of unsigned integers can be thought of as a
342/// "numeric string". This numeric string can then be queried by, for example,
343/// data structures that find repeated substrings.
345/// This hashing is done per BasicBlock in the module. To hash Instructions
346/// based off of their operations, each Instruction is wrapped in an
347/// IRInstructionData struct. The unsigned integer for an IRInstructionData
348/// depends on:
349/// - The hash provided by the IRInstructionData.
350/// - Which member of InstrType the IRInstructionData is classified as.
351// See InstrType for more details on the possible classifications, and how they
352// manifest in the numeric string.
354/// The numeric string for an individual BasicBlock is terminated by an unique
355/// unsigned integer. This prevents data structures which rely on repetition
356/// from matching across BasicBlocks. (For example, the SuffixTree.)
357/// As a concrete example, if we have the following two BasicBlocks:
358/// \code
359/// bb0:
360/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b
361/// %add2 = add i32 %c, %d
362/// %add3 = add i64 %e, %f
363/// bb1:
364/// %sub = sub i32 %c, %d
365/// \endcode
366/// We may hash the Instructions like this (via IRInstructionData):
367/// \code
368/// bb0:
369/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b ; Hash: 1
370/// %add2 = add i32 %c, %d; Hash: 1
371/// %add3 = add i64 %e, %f; Hash: 2
372/// bb1:
373/// %sub = sub i32 %c, %d; Hash: 3
374/// %add4 = add i32 %c, %d ; Hash: 1
375/// \endcode
376/// And produce a "numeric string representation" like so:
377/// 1, 1, 2, unique_integer_1, 3, 1, unique_integer_2
379/// TODO: This is very similar to the MachineOutliner, and should be
380/// consolidated into the same interface.
382 /// The starting illegal instruction number to map to.
383 ///
384 /// Set to -3 for compatibility with DenseMapInfo<unsigned>.
385 unsigned IllegalInstrNumber = static_cast<unsigned>(-3);
387 /// The next available integer to assign to a legal Instruction to.
388 unsigned LegalInstrNumber = 0;
390 /// Correspondence from IRInstructionData to unsigned integers.
394 /// A mapping for a basic block in a module to its assigned number/location
395 /// in the module.
398 /// Set if we added an illegal number in the previous step.
399 /// Since each illegal number is unique, we only need one of them between
400 /// each range of legal numbers. This lets us make sure we don't add more
401 /// than one illegal number per range.
404 /// Marks whether we found a illegal instruction in the previous step.
407 /// Marks whether we have found a set of instructions that is long enough
408 /// to be considered for similarity.
409 bool HaveLegalRange = false;
411 /// Marks whether we should use exact function names, as well as types to
412 /// find similarity between calls.
415 /// This allocator pointer is in charge of holding on to the IRInstructionData
416 /// so it is not deallocated until whatever external tool is using it is done
417 /// with the information.
420 /// This allocator pointer is in charge of creating the IRInstructionDataList
421 /// so it is not deallocated until whatever external tool is using it is done
422 /// with the information.
425 /// Get an allocated IRInstructionData struct using the InstDataAllocator.
426 ///
427 /// \param I - The Instruction to wrap with IRInstructionData.
428 /// \param Legality - A boolean value that is true if the instruction is to
429 /// be considered for similarity, and false if not.
430 /// \param IDL - The InstructionDataList that the IRInstructionData is
431 /// inserted into.
432 /// \returns An allocated IRInstructionData struct.
436 /// Get an empty allocated IRInstructionData struct using the
437 /// InstDataAllocator.
438 ///
439 /// \param IDL - The InstructionDataList that the IRInstructionData is
440 /// inserted into.
441 /// \returns An allocated IRInstructionData struct.
444 /// Get an allocated IRInstructionDataList object using the IDLAllocator.
445 ///
446 /// \returns An allocated IRInstructionDataList object.
451 /// Assigns values to all the basic blocks in function \p F starting from
452 /// integer \p BBNumber.
453 ///
454 /// \param F - The function containing the basic blocks to assign numbers to.
455 /// \param BBNumber - The number to start from.
456 void initializeForBBs(Function &F, unsigned &BBNumber) {
457 for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
458 BasicBlockToInteger.insert(std::make_pair(&BB, BBNumber++));
459 }
461 /// Assigns values to all the basic blocks in Module \p M.
462 /// \param M - The module containing the basic blocks to assign numbers to.
464 unsigned BBNumber = 0;
465 for (Function &F : M)
466 initializeForBBs(F, BBNumber);
467 }
469 /// Maps the Instructions in a BasicBlock \p BB to legal or illegal integers
470 /// determined by \p InstrType. Two Instructions are mapped to the same value
471 /// if they are close as defined by the InstructionData class above.
472 ///
473 /// \param [in] BB - The BasicBlock to be mapped to integers.
474 /// \param [in,out] InstrList - Vector of IRInstructionData to append to.
475 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMapping - Vector of unsigned integers to append to.
477 std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrList,
478 std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMapping);
480 /// Maps an Instruction to a legal integer.
481 ///
482 /// \param [in] It - The Instruction to be mapped to an integer.
483 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMappingForBB - Vector of unsigned integers to
484 /// append to.
485 /// \param [in,out] InstrListForBB - Vector of InstructionData to append to.
486 /// \returns The integer \p It was mapped to.
488 std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMappingForBB,
489 std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrListForBB);
491 /// Maps an Instruction to an illegal integer.
492 ///
493 /// \param [in] It - The \p Instruction to be mapped to an integer.
494 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMappingForBB - Vector of unsigned integers to
495 /// append to.
496 /// \param [in,out] InstrListForBB - Vector of IRInstructionData to append to.
497 /// \param End - true if creating a dummy IRInstructionData at the end of a
498 /// basic block.
499 /// \returns The integer \p It was mapped to.
500 unsigned mapToIllegalUnsigned(
501 BasicBlock::iterator &It, std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMappingForBB,
502 std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrListForBB, bool End = false);
506 : InstDataAllocator(IDA), IDLAllocator(IDLA) {
507 // Make sure that the implementation of DenseMapInfo<unsigned> hasn't
508 // changed.
509 assert(DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getEmptyKey() == static_cast<unsigned>(-1) &&
510 "DenseMapInfo<unsigned>'s empty key isn't -1!");
512 static_cast<unsigned>(-2) &&
513 "DenseMapInfo<unsigned>'s tombstone key isn't -2!");
515 IDL = new (IDLAllocator->Allocate())
517 }
519 /// Custom InstVisitor to classify different instructions for whether it can
520 /// be analyzed for similarity.
522 : public InstVisitor<InstructionClassification, InstrType> {
525 // TODO: Determine a scheme to resolve when the label is similar enough.
527 if (EnableBranches)
528 return Legal;
529 return Illegal;
530 }
532 if (EnableBranches)
533 return Legal;
534 return Illegal;
535 }
536 // TODO: Handle allocas.
538 // We exclude variable argument instructions since variable arguments
539 // requires extra checking of the argument list.
541 // We exclude all exception handling cases since they are so context
542 // dependent.
545 // DebugInfo should be included in the regions, but should not be
546 // analyzed for similarity as it has no bearing on the outcome of the
547 // program.
550 // These are disabled due to complications in the CodeExtractor when
551 // outlining these instructions. For instance, It is unclear what we
552 // should do when moving only the start or end lifetime instruction into
553 // an outlined function. Also, assume-like intrinsics could be removed
554 // from the region, removing arguments, causing discrepencies in the
555 // number of inputs between different regions.
556 if (II.isAssumeLikeIntrinsic())
557 return Illegal;
558 return EnableIntrinsics ? Legal : Illegal;
559 }
560 // We only allow call instructions where the function has a name and
561 // is not an indirect call.
564 bool IsIndirectCall = CI.isIndirectCall();
565 if (IsIndirectCall && !EnableIndirectCalls)
566 return Illegal;
567 if (!F && !IsIndirectCall)
568 return Illegal;
569 // Functions marked with the swifttailcc and tailcc calling conventions
570 // require special handling when outlining musttail functions. The
571 // calling convention must be passed down to the outlined function as
572 // well. Further, there is special handling for musttail calls as well,
573 // requiring a return call directly after. For now, the outliner does not
574 // support this, so we do not handle matching this case either.
578 return Illegal;
580 return Illegal;
581 return Legal;
582 }
583 // TODO: We do not current handle similarity that changes the control flow.
585 // TODO: We do not current handle similarity that changes the control flow.
587 // TODO: Handle interblock similarity.
591 // The flag variable that lets the classifier know whether we should
592 // allow branches to be checked for similarity.
593 bool EnableBranches = false;
595 // The flag variable that lets the classifier know whether we should
596 // allow indirect calls to be considered legal instructions.
599 // Flag that lets the classifier know whether we should allow intrinsics to
600 // be checked for similarity.
601 bool EnableIntrinsics = false;
603 // Flag that lets the classifier know whether we should allow tail calls to
604 // be checked for similarity.
606 };
608 /// Maps an Instruction to a member of InstrType.
612/// This is a class that wraps a range of IRInstructionData from one point to
613/// another in the vector of IRInstructionData, which is a region of the
614/// program. It is also responsible for defining the structure within this
615/// region of instructions.
617/// The structure of a region is defined through a value numbering system
618/// assigned to each unique value in a region at the creation of the
619/// IRSimilarityCandidate.
621/// For example, for each Instruction we add a mapping for each new
622/// value seen in that Instruction.
623/// IR: Mapping Added:
624/// %add1 = add i32 %a, c1 %add1 -> 3, %a -> 1, c1 -> 2
625/// %add2 = add i32 %a, %1 %add2 -> 4
626/// %add3 = add i32 c2, c1 %add3 -> 6, c2 -> 5
628/// We can compare IRSimilarityCandidates against one another.
629/// The \ref isSimilar function compares each IRInstructionData against one
630/// another and if we have the same sequences of IRInstructionData that would
631/// create the same hash, we have similar IRSimilarityCandidates.
633/// We can also compare the structure of IRSimilarityCandidates. If we can
634/// create a mapping of registers in the region contained by one
635/// IRSimilarityCandidate to the region contained by different
636/// IRSimilarityCandidate, they can be considered structurally similar.
638/// IRSimilarityCandidate1: IRSimilarityCandidate2:
639/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b %add1 = add i32 %d, %e
640/// %add2 = add i32 %a, %c %add2 = add i32 %d, %f
641/// %add3 = add i32 c1, c2 %add3 = add i32 c3, c4
643/// Can have the following mapping from candidate to candidate of:
644/// %a -> %d, %b -> %e, %c -> %f, c1 -> c3, c2 -> c4
645/// and can be considered similar.
647/// IRSimilarityCandidate1: IRSimilarityCandidate2:
648/// %add1 = add i32 %a, %b %add1 = add i32 %d, c4
649/// %add2 = add i32 %a, %c %add2 = add i32 %d, %f
650/// %add3 = add i32 c1, c2 %add3 = add i32 c3, c4
652/// We cannot create the same mapping since the use of c4 is not used in the
653/// same way as %b or c2.
656 /// The start index of this IRSimilarityCandidate in the instruction list.
657 unsigned StartIdx = 0;
659 /// The number of instructions in this IRSimilarityCandidate.
660 unsigned Len = 0;
662 /// The first instruction in this IRSimilarityCandidate.
663 IRInstructionData *FirstInst = nullptr;
665 /// The last instruction in this IRSimilarityCandidate.
666 IRInstructionData *LastInst = nullptr;
668 /// Global Value Numbering structures
669 /// @{
670 /// Stores the mapping of the value to the number assigned to it in the
671 /// IRSimilarityCandidate.
672 DenseMap<Value *, unsigned> ValueToNumber;
673 /// Stores the mapping of the number to the value assigned this number.
674 DenseMap<unsigned, Value *> NumberToValue;
675 /// Stores the mapping of a value's number to canonical numbering in the
676 /// candidate's respective similarity group.
677 DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> NumberToCanonNum;
678 /// Stores the mapping of canonical number in the candidate's respective
679 /// similarity group to a value number.
680 DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> CanonNumToNumber;
681 /// @}
684 /// \param StartIdx - The starting location of the region.
685 /// \param Len - The length of the region.
686 /// \param FirstInstIt - The starting IRInstructionData of the region.
687 /// \param LastInstIt - The ending IRInstructionData of the region.
688 IRSimilarityCandidate(unsigned StartIdx, unsigned Len,
689 IRInstructionData *FirstInstIt,
690 IRInstructionData *LastInstIt);
692 /// \param A - The first IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
693 /// \param B - The second IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
694 /// \returns True when every IRInstructionData in \p A is similar to every
695 /// IRInstructionData in \p B.
696 static bool isSimilar(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A,
697 const IRSimilarityCandidate &B);
699 /// \param [in] A - The first IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
700 /// \param [in] B - The second IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
701 /// \returns True when every IRInstructionData in \p A is structurally similar
702 /// to \p B.
703 static bool compareStructure(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A,
704 const IRSimilarityCandidate &B);
706 /// \param [in] A - The first IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
707 /// \param [in] B - The second IRInstructionCandidate to compare.
708 /// \param [in,out] ValueNumberMappingA - A mapping of value numbers from
709 /// candidate \p A to candidate \B.
710 /// \param [in,out] ValueNumberMappingB - A mapping of value numbers from
711 /// candidate \p B to candidate \A.
712 /// \returns True when every IRInstructionData in \p A is structurally similar
713 /// to \p B.
714 static bool
717 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ValueNumberMappingA,
718 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ValueNumberMappingB);
721 /// The IRSimilarityCandidate that holds the instruction the OperVals were
722 /// pulled from.
725 /// The operand values to be analyzed.
728 /// The current mapping of global value numbers from one IRSimilarityCandidate
729 /// to another IRSimilarityCandidate.
731 };
733 /// A helper struct to hold the candidate, for a branch instruction, the
734 /// relative location of a label, and the label itself. This is mostly to
735 /// group the values together before passing them as a bundle to a function.
737 /// The IRSimilarityCandidate that holds the instruction the relative
738 /// location was pulled from.
741 /// The relative location to be analyzed.
744 /// The corresponding value.
746 };
748 /// Compare the operands in \p A and \p B and check that the current mapping
749 /// of global value numbers from \p A to \p B and \p B to \A is consistent.
750 ///
751 /// \param A - The first IRInstructionCandidate, operand values, and current
752 /// operand mappings to compare.
753 /// \param B - The second IRInstructionCandidate, operand values, and current
754 /// operand mappings to compare.
755 /// \returns true if the IRSimilarityCandidates operands are compatible.
759 /// Compare the operands in \p A and \p B and check that the current mapping
760 /// of global value numbers from \p A to \p B and \p B to \A is consistent
761 /// given that the operands are commutative.
762 ///
763 /// \param A - The first IRInstructionCandidate, operand values, and current
764 /// operand mappings to compare.
765 /// \param B - The second IRInstructionCandidate, operand values, and current
766 /// operand mappings to compare.
767 /// \returns true if the IRSimilarityCandidates operands are compatible.
771 /// Compare the GVN of the assignment value in corresponding instructions in
772 /// IRSimilarityCandidates \p A and \p B and check that there exists a mapping
773 /// between the values and replaces the mapping with a one-to-one value if
774 /// needed.
775 ///
776 /// \param InstValA - The assignment GVN from the first IRSimilarityCandidate.
777 /// \param InstValB - The assignment GVN from the second
778 /// IRSimilarityCandidate.
779 /// \param [in,out] ValueNumberMappingA - A mapping of value numbers from
780 /// candidate \p A to candidate \B.
781 /// \param [in,out] ValueNumberMappingB - A mapping of value numbers from
782 /// candidate \p B to candidate \A.
783 /// \returns true if the IRSimilarityCandidates assignments are compatible.
784 static bool compareAssignmentMapping(
785 const unsigned InstValA, const unsigned &InstValB,
786 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ValueNumberMappingA,
787 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ValueNumberMappingB);
789 /// Compare the relative locations in \p A and \p B and check that the
790 /// distances match if both locations are contained in the region, and that
791 /// the branches both point outside the region if they do not.
792 /// Example Region:
793 /// \code
794 /// entry:
795 /// br i1 %0, label %block_1, label %block_3
796 /// block_0:
797 /// br i1 %0, label %block_1, label %block_2
798 /// block_1:
799 /// br i1 %0, label %block_2, label %block_3
800 /// block_2:
801 /// br i1 %1, label %block_1, label %block_4
802 /// block_3:
803 /// br i1 %2, label %block_2, label %block_5
804 /// \endcode
805 /// If we compare the branches in block_0 and block_1 the relative values are
806 /// 1 and 2 for both, so we consider this a match.
807 ///
808 /// If we compare the branches in entry and block_0 the relative values are
809 /// 2 and 3, and 1 and 2 respectively. Since these are not the same we do not
810 /// consider them a match.
811 ///
812 /// If we compare the branches in block_1 and block_2 the relative values are
813 /// 1 and 2, and -1 and None respectively. As a result we do not consider
814 /// these to be the same
815 ///
816 /// If we compare the branches in block_2 and block_3 the relative values are
817 /// -1 and None for both. We do consider these to be a match.
818 ///
819 /// \param A - The first IRInstructionCandidate, relative location value,
820 /// and incoming block.
821 /// \param B - The second IRInstructionCandidate, relative location value,
822 /// and incoming block.
823 /// \returns true if the relative locations match.
827 /// Create a mapping from the value numbering to a different separate set of
828 /// numbers. This will serve as a guide for relating one candidate to another.
829 /// The canonical number gives use the ability identify which global value
830 /// number in one candidate relates to the global value number in the other.
831 ///
832 /// \param [in, out] CurrCand - The IRSimilarityCandidate to create a
833 /// canonical numbering for.
836 /// Create a mapping for the value numbering of the calling
837 /// IRSimilarityCandidate, to a different separate set of numbers, based on
838 /// the canonical ordering in \p SourceCand. These are defined based on the
839 /// found mappings in \p ToSourceMapping and \p FromSourceMapping. Both of
840 /// these relationships should have the same information, just in opposite
841 /// directions.
842 ///
843 /// \param [in, out] SourceCand - The IRSimilarityCandidate to create a
844 /// canonical numbering from.
845 /// \param ToSourceMapping - The mapping of value numbers from this candidate
846 /// to \p SourceCand.
847 /// \param FromSourceMapping - The mapping of value numbers from \p SoureCand
848 /// to this candidate.
850 IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCand,
851 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ToSourceMapping,
852 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &FromSourceMapping);
854 /// Create a mapping for the value numbering of the calling
855 /// IRSimilarityCandidate, to a different separate set of numbers, based on
856 /// the canonical ordering in \p SourceCand. These are defined based on the
857 /// found mappings in \p ToSourceMapping and \p FromSourceMapping. Both of
858 /// these relationships should have the same information, just in opposite
859 /// directions. Uses the \p OneToOne mapping from target candidate to \p
860 /// SourceCand GVNs to determine the mapping first for values with multiple
861 /// mappings. This mapping is created by the ordering of operands in the
862 /// instruction they are first seen in the candidates.
863 ///
864 /// \param [in, out] SourceCand - The IRSimilarityCandidate to create a
865 /// canonical numbering from.
866 /// \param [in,out] OneToOne - A mapping of value numbers from candidate
867 /// \p A to candidate \B using the structure of the original instructions.
868 /// \param ToSourceMapping - The mapping of value numbers from this candidate
869 /// to \p SourceCand.
870 /// \param FromSourceMapping - The mapping of value numbers from \p SoureCand
871 /// to this candidate.
873 IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCand,
875 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &ToSourceMapping,
876 DenseMap<unsigned, DenseSet<unsigned>> &FromSourceMapping);
878 /// Create a mapping for the value numbering of the calling
879 /// IRSimilarityCandidate, to a different separate set of numbers, based on
880 /// the canonical ordering in \p SourceCand. These are defined based on the
881 /// canonical mapping defined between \p SoureCandLarge and
882 /// \p TargetCandLarge. These IRSimilarityCandidates are already structurally
883 /// similar, and fully encapsulate the IRSimilarityCandidates in question.
884 /// These are used as a "bridge" from the \p SourceCand to the target.
885 ///
886 /// \param [in, out] SourceCand - The IRSimilarityCandidate to create a
887 /// canonical numbering from.
888 /// \param SoureCandLarge - The IRSimilarityCandidate fully containing
889 /// \p SourceCand.
890 /// \param TargetCandLarge - The IRSimilarityCandidate fully containing
891 /// this Candidate.
893 IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCand,
894 IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCandLarge,
895 IRSimilarityCandidate &TargetCandLarge);
897 /// \param [in,out] BBSet - The set to track the basic blocks.
899 for (IRInstructionData &ID : *this) {
900 BasicBlock *BB = ID.Inst->getParent();
901 BBSet.insert(BB);
902 }
903 }
905 /// \param [in,out] BBSet - The set to track the basic blocks.
906 /// \param [in,out] BBList - A list in order of use to track the basic blocks.
908 SmallVector<BasicBlock *> &BBList) const {
909 for (IRInstructionData &ID : *this) {
910 BasicBlock *BB = ID.Inst->getParent();
911 if (BBSet.insert(BB).second)
912 BBList.push_back(BB);
913 }
914 }
916 /// Compare the start and end indices of the two IRSimilarityCandidates for
917 /// whether they overlap. If the start instruction of one
918 /// IRSimilarityCandidate is less than the end instruction of the other, and
919 /// the start instruction of one is greater than the start instruction of the
920 /// other, they overlap.
921 ///
922 /// \returns true if the IRSimilarityCandidates do not have overlapping
923 /// instructions.
924 static bool overlap(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A,
925 const IRSimilarityCandidate &B);
927 /// \returns the number of instructions in this Candidate.
928 unsigned getLength() const { return Len; }
930 /// \returns the start index of this IRSimilarityCandidate.
931 unsigned getStartIdx() const { return StartIdx; }
933 /// \returns the end index of this IRSimilarityCandidate.
934 unsigned getEndIdx() const { return StartIdx + Len - 1; }
936 /// \returns The first IRInstructionData.
937 IRInstructionData *front() const { return FirstInst; }
938 /// \returns The last IRInstructionData.
939 IRInstructionData *back() const { return LastInst; }
941 /// \returns The first Instruction.
942 Instruction *frontInstruction() { return FirstInst->Inst; }
943 /// \returns The last Instruction
944 Instruction *backInstruction() { return LastInst->Inst; }
946 /// \returns The BasicBlock the IRSimilarityCandidate starts in.
947 BasicBlock *getStartBB() { return FirstInst->Inst->getParent(); }
948 /// \returns The BasicBlock the IRSimilarityCandidate ends in.
949 BasicBlock *getEndBB() { return LastInst->Inst->getParent(); }
951 /// \returns The Function that the IRSimilarityCandidate is located in.
954 /// Finds the positive number associated with \p V if it has been mapped.
955 /// \param [in] V - the Value to find.
956 /// \returns The positive number corresponding to the value.
957 /// \returns std::nullopt if not present.
958 std::optional<unsigned> getGVN(Value *V) {
959 assert(V != nullptr && "Value is a nullptr?");
960 DenseMap<Value *, unsigned>::iterator VNIt = ValueToNumber.find(V);
961 if (VNIt == ValueToNumber.end())
962 return std::nullopt;
963 return VNIt->second;
964 }
966 /// Finds the Value associate with \p Num if it exists.
967 /// \param [in] Num - the number to find.
968 /// \returns The Value associated with the number.
969 /// \returns std::nullopt if not present.
970 std::optional<Value *> fromGVN(unsigned Num) {
971 DenseMap<unsigned, Value *>::iterator VNIt = NumberToValue.find(Num);
972 if (VNIt == NumberToValue.end())
973 return std::nullopt;
974 assert(VNIt->second != nullptr && "Found value is a nullptr!");
975 return VNIt->second;
976 }
978 /// Find the canonical number from the global value number \p N stored in the
979 /// candidate.
980 ///
981 /// \param N - The global value number to find the canonical number for.
982 /// \returns An optional containing the value, and std::nullopt if it could
983 /// not be found.
984 std::optional<unsigned> getCanonicalNum(unsigned N) {
985 DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator NCIt = NumberToCanonNum.find(N);
986 if (NCIt == NumberToCanonNum.end())
987 return std::nullopt;
988 return NCIt->second;
989 }
991 /// Find the global value number from the canonical number \p N stored in the
992 /// candidate.
993 ///
994 /// \param N - The canonical number to find the global vlaue number for.
995 /// \returns An optional containing the value, and std::nullopt if it could
996 /// not be found.
997 std::optional<unsigned> fromCanonicalNum(unsigned N) {
998 DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator CNIt = CanonNumToNumber.find(N);
999 if (CNIt == CanonNumToNumber.end())
1000 return std::nullopt;
1001 return CNIt->second;
1002 }
1004 /// \param RHS -The IRSimilarityCandidate to compare against
1005 /// \returns true if the IRSimilarityCandidate is occurs after the
1006 /// IRSimilarityCandidate in the program.
1008 return getStartIdx() > RHS.getStartIdx();
1009 }
1012 iterator begin() const { return iterator(front()); }
1013 iterator end() const { return std::next(iterator(back())); }
1019typedef std::vector<IRSimilarityCandidate> SimilarityGroup;
1020typedef std::vector<SimilarityGroup> SimilarityGroupList;
1022/// This class puts all the pieces of the IRInstructionData,
1023/// IRInstructionMapper, IRSimilarityCandidate together.
1025/// It first feeds the Module or vector of Modules into the IRInstructionMapper,
1026/// and puts all the mapped instructions into a single long list of
1027/// IRInstructionData.
1029/// The list of unsigned integers is given to the Suffix Tree or similar data
1030/// structure to find repeated subsequences. We construct an
1031/// IRSimilarityCandidate for each instance of the subsequence. We compare them
1032/// against one another since These repeated subsequences can have different
1033/// structure. For each different kind of structure found, we create a
1034/// similarity group.
1036/// If we had four IRSimilarityCandidates A, B, C, and D where A, B and D are
1037/// structurally similar to one another, while C is different we would have two
1038/// SimilarityGroups:
1040/// SimilarityGroup 1: SimilarityGroup 2
1041/// A, B, D C
1043/// A list of the different similarity groups is then returned after
1044/// analyzing the module.
1047 IRSimilarityIdentifier(bool MatchBranches = true,
1048 bool MatchIndirectCalls = true,
1049 bool MatchCallsWithName = false,
1050 bool MatchIntrinsics = true,
1051 bool MatchMustTailCalls = true)
1052 : Mapper(&InstDataAllocator, &InstDataListAllocator),
1053 EnableBranches(MatchBranches), EnableIndirectCalls(MatchIndirectCalls),
1054 EnableMatchingCallsByName(MatchCallsWithName),
1055 EnableIntrinsics(MatchIntrinsics),
1056 EnableMustTailCalls(MatchMustTailCalls) {}
1059 /// Map the instructions in the module to unsigned integers, using mapping
1060 /// already present in the Mapper if possible.
1061 ///
1062 /// \param [in] M Module - To map to integers.
1063 /// \param [in,out] InstrList - The vector to append IRInstructionData to.
1064 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMapping - The vector to append integers to.
1065 void populateMapper(Module &M, std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrList,
1066 std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMapping);
1068 /// Map the instructions in the modules vector to unsigned integers, using
1069 /// mapping already present in the mapper if possible.
1070 ///
1071 /// \param [in] Modules - The list of modules to use to populate the mapper
1072 /// \param [in,out] InstrList - The vector to append IRInstructionData to.
1073 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMapping - The vector to append integers to.
1074 void populateMapper(ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Module>> &Modules,
1075 std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrList,
1076 std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMapping);
1078 /// Find the similarity candidates in \p InstrList and corresponding
1079 /// \p UnsignedVec
1080 ///
1081 /// \param [in,out] InstrList - The vector to append IRInstructionData to.
1082 /// \param [in,out] IntegerMapping - The vector to append integers to.
1083 /// candidates found in the program.
1084 void findCandidates(std::vector<IRInstructionData *> &InstrList,
1085 std::vector<unsigned> &IntegerMapping);
1088 // Find the IRSimilarityCandidates in the \p Modules and group by structural
1089 // similarity in a SimilarityGroup, each group is returned in a
1090 // SimilarityGroupList.
1091 //
1092 // \param [in] Modules - the modules to analyze.
1093 // \returns The groups of similarity ranges found in the modules.
1095 findSimilarity(ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Module>> Modules);
1097 // Find the IRSimilarityCandidates in the given Module grouped by structural
1098 // similarity in a SimilarityGroup, contained inside a SimilarityGroupList.
1099 //
1100 // \param [in] M - the module to analyze.
1101 // \returns The groups of similarity ranges found in the module.
1104 // Clears \ref SimilarityCandidates if it is already filled by a previous run.
1106 // If we've already analyzed a Module or set of Modules, so we must clear
1107 // the SimilarityCandidates to make sure we do not have only old values
1108 // hanging around.
1109 if (SimilarityCandidates)
1110 SimilarityCandidates->clear();
1111 else
1112 SimilarityCandidates = SimilarityGroupList();
1113 }
1115 // \returns The groups of similarity ranges found in the most recently passed
1116 // set of modules.
1117 std::optional<SimilarityGroupList> &getSimilarity() {
1118 return SimilarityCandidates;
1119 }
1122 /// The allocator for IRInstructionData.
1125 /// The allocator for IRInstructionDataLists.
1128 /// Map Instructions to unsigned integers and wraps the Instruction in an
1129 /// instance of IRInstructionData.
1130 IRInstructionMapper Mapper;
1132 /// The flag variable that marks whether we should check branches for
1133 /// similarity, or only look within basic blocks.
1134 bool EnableBranches = true;
1136 /// The flag variable that marks whether we allow indirect calls to be checked
1137 /// for similarity, or exclude them as a legal instruction.
1138 bool EnableIndirectCalls = true;
1140 /// The flag variable that marks whether we allow calls to be marked as
1141 /// similar if they do not have the same name, only the same calling
1142 /// convention, attributes and type signature.
1143 bool EnableMatchingCallsByName = true;
1145 /// The flag variable that marks whether we should check intrinsics for
1146 /// similarity.
1147 bool EnableIntrinsics = true;
1149 // The flag variable that marks whether we should allow tailcalls
1150 // to be checked for similarity.
1151 bool EnableMustTailCalls = false;
1153 /// The SimilarityGroups found with the most recent run of \ref
1154 /// findSimilarity. std::nullopt if there is no recent run.
1155 std::optional<SimilarityGroupList> SimilarityCandidates;
1158} // end namespace IRSimilarity
1160/// An analysis pass based on legacy pass manager that runs and returns
1161/// IRSimilarityIdentifier run on the Module.
1163 std::unique_ptr<IRSimilarity::IRSimilarityIdentifier> IRSI;
1166 static char ID;
1170 const IRSimilarity::IRSimilarityIdentifier &getIRSI() const { return *IRSI; }
1172 bool doInitialization(Module &M) override;
1173 bool doFinalization(Module &M) override;
1174 bool runOnModule(Module &M) override;
1175 void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
1176 AU.setPreservesAll();
1177 }
1180/// An analysis pass that runs and returns the IRSimilarityIdentifier run on the
1181/// Module.
1182class IRSimilarityAnalysis : public AnalysisInfoMixin<IRSimilarityAnalysis> {
1190 static AnalysisKey Key;
1193/// Printer pass that uses \c IRSimilarityAnalysis.
1195 : public PassInfoMixin<IRSimilarityAnalysisPrinterPass> {
1196 raw_ostream &OS;
1201 static bool isRequired() { return true; }
1204} // end namespace llvm
This file defines the BumpPtrAllocator interface.
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
bool End
Definition: ELF_riscv.cpp:480
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:55
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
Machine Check Debug Module
uint64_t IntrinsicInst * II
This header defines various interfaces for pass management in LLVM.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
raw_pwrite_stream & OS
Value * RHS
Value * LHS
an instruction to allocate memory on the stack
Definition: Instructions.h:61
A container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their results.
Definition: PassManager.h:253
Represent the analysis usage information of a pass.
void setPreservesAll()
Set by analyses that do not transform their input at all.
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:61
const Function * getParent() const
Return the enclosing method, or null if none.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:209
InstListType::iterator iterator
Instruction iterators...
Definition: BasicBlock.h:167
Conditional or Unconditional Branch instruction.
Function * getCalledFunction() const
Returns the function called, or null if this is an indirect function invocation or the function signa...
Definition: InstrTypes.h:1465
CallingConv::ID getCallingConv() const
Definition: InstrTypes.h:1523
bool isIndirectCall() const
Return true if the callsite is an indirect call.
CallBr instruction, tracking function calls that may not return control but instead transfer it to a ...
This class represents a function call, abstracting a target machine's calling convention.
bool isMustTailCall() const
This class is the base class for the comparison instructions.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:747
This enumeration lists the possible predicates for CmpInst subclasses.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:757
This is the common base class for debug info intrinsics.
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:155
iterator end()
Definition: DenseMap.h:84
Implements a dense probed hash-table based set.
Definition: DenseSet.h:271
Printer pass that uses IRSimilarityAnalysis.
PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM)
An analysis pass that runs and returns the IRSimilarityIdentifier run on the Module.
IRSimilarity::IRSimilarityIdentifier Result
Result run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &)
An analysis pass based on legacy pass manager that runs and returns IRSimilarityIdentifier run on the...
IRSimilarity::IRSimilarityIdentifier & getIRSI()
bool doInitialization(Module &M) override
doInitialization - Virtual method overridden by subclasses to do any necessary initialization before ...
bool doFinalization(Module &M) override
doFinalization - Virtual method overriden by subclasses to do any necessary clean up after all passes...
bool runOnModule(Module &M) override
runOnModule - Virtual method overriden by subclasses to process the module being operated on.
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override
getAnalysisUsage - This function should be overriden by passes that need analysis information to do t...
const IRSimilarity::IRSimilarityIdentifier & getIRSI() const
This is a class that wraps a range of IRInstructionData from one point to another in the vector of IR...
void createCanonicalRelationFrom(IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCand, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &ToSourceMapping, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &FromSourceMapping)
Create a mapping for the value numbering of the calling IRSimilarityCandidate, to a different separat...
static bool isSimilar(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A, const IRSimilarityCandidate &B)
std::optional< unsigned > getGVN(Value *V)
Finds the positive number associated with V if it has been mapped.
void getBasicBlocks(DenseSet< BasicBlock * > &BBSet, SmallVector< BasicBlock * > &BBList) const
static bool compareAssignmentMapping(const unsigned InstValA, const unsigned &InstValB, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &ValueNumberMappingA, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &ValueNumberMappingB)
Compare the GVN of the assignment value in corresponding instructions in IRSimilarityCandidates A and...
void getBasicBlocks(DenseSet< BasicBlock * > &BBSet) const
bool operator<(const IRSimilarityCandidate &RHS) const
std::optional< Value * > fromGVN(unsigned Num)
Finds the Value associate with Num if it exists.
static bool checkRelativeLocations(RelativeLocMapping A, RelativeLocMapping B)
Compare the relative locations in A and B and check that the distances match if both locations are co...
static bool compareStructure(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A, const IRSimilarityCandidate &B)
static void createCanonicalMappingFor(IRSimilarityCandidate &CurrCand)
Create a mapping from the value numbering to a different separate set of numbers.
static bool overlap(const IRSimilarityCandidate &A, const IRSimilarityCandidate &B)
Compare the start and end indices of the two IRSimilarityCandidates for whether they overlap.
std::optional< unsigned > getCanonicalNum(unsigned N)
Find the canonical number from the global value number N stored in the candidate.
std::optional< unsigned > fromCanonicalNum(unsigned N)
Find the global value number from the canonical number N stored in the candidate.
void createCanonicalRelationFrom(IRSimilarityCandidate &SourceCand, DenseMap< unsigned, unsigned > &OneToOne, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &ToSourceMapping, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > &FromSourceMapping)
Create a mapping for the value numbering of the calling IRSimilarityCandidate, to a different separat...
static bool compareNonCommutativeOperandMapping(OperandMapping A, OperandMapping B)
Compare the operands in A and B and check that the current mapping of global value numbers from A to ...
static bool compareCommutativeOperandMapping(OperandMapping A, OperandMapping B)
Compare the operands in A and B and check that the current mapping of global value numbers from A to ...
This class puts all the pieces of the IRInstructionData, IRInstructionMapper, IRSimilarityCandidate t...
IRSimilarityIdentifier(bool MatchBranches=true, bool MatchIndirectCalls=true, bool MatchCallsWithName=false, bool MatchIntrinsics=true, bool MatchMustTailCalls=true)
SimilarityGroupList & findSimilarity(ArrayRef< std::unique_ptr< Module > > Modules)
std::optional< SimilarityGroupList > & getSimilarity()
Base class for instruction visitors.
Definition: InstVisitor.h:78
A wrapper class for inspecting calls to intrinsic functions.
Definition: IntrinsicInst.h:48
Invoke instruction.
The landingpad instruction holds all of the information necessary to generate correct exception handl...
ModulePass class - This class is used to implement unstructured interprocedural optimizations and ana...
Definition: Pass.h:251
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module.
Definition: Module.h:65
A set of analyses that are preserved following a run of a transformation pass.
Definition: Analysis.h:111
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:426
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1209
A BumpPtrAllocator that allows only elements of a specific type to be allocated.
Definition: Allocator.h:387
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:50
This class represents the va_arg llvm instruction, which returns an argument of the specified type gi...
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const ValueT &V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:206
An opaque object representing a hash code.
Definition: Hashing.h:75
const ParentTy * getParent() const
Definition: ilist_node.h:32
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:52
A simple intrusive list implementation.
Definition: simple_ilist.h:81
typename ilist_select_iterator_type< OptionsT::has_iterator_bits, OptionsT, false, false >::type iterator
Definition: simple_ilist.h:97
@ Tail
Attemps to make calls as fast as possible while guaranteeing that tail call optimization can always b...
Definition: CallingConv.h:76
@ SwiftTail
This follows the Swift calling convention in how arguments are passed but guarantees tail calls will ...
Definition: CallingConv.h:87
std::vector< SimilarityGroup > SimilarityGroupList
std::vector< IRSimilarityCandidate > SimilarityGroup
DenseMap< IRSimilarityCandidate *, DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > > CandidateGVNMapping
bool isClose(const IRInstructionData &A, const IRInstructionData &B)
Compare one IRInstructionData class to another IRInstructionData class for whether they are performin...
This represents what is and is not supported when finding similarity in Instructions.
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
hash_code hash_value(const FixedPointSemantics &Val)
Definition: APFixedPoint.h:128
hash_code hash_combine(const Ts &...args)
Combine values into a single hash_code.
Definition: Hashing.h:593
hash_code hash_combine_range(InputIteratorT first, InputIteratorT last)
Compute a hash_code for a sequence of values.
Definition: Hashing.h:471
#define N
A CRTP mix-in that provides informational APIs needed for analysis passes.
Definition: PassManager.h:92
A special type used by analysis passes to provide an address that identifies that particular analysis...
Definition: Analysis.h:28
An information struct used to provide DenseMap with the various necessary components for a given valu...
Definition: DenseMapInfo.h:52
static unsigned getHashValue(const IRInstructionData *E)
static bool isEqual(const IRInstructionData *LHS, const IRInstructionData *RHS)
This provides the utilities for hashing an Instruction to an unsigned integer.
StringRef getCalleeName() const
Get the callee name that the call instruction is using for hashing the instruction.
void initializeInstruction()
Fills data stuctures for IRInstructionData when it is constructed from a.
SmallVector< int, 4 > RelativeBlockLocations
This structure holds the distances of how far "ahead of" or "behind" the target blocks of a branch,...
std::optional< std::string > CalleeName
This is only relevant if we are wrapping a CallInst.
ArrayRef< Value * > getBlockOperVals()
Get the BasicBlock based operands for PHINodes and BranchInsts.
Instruction * Inst
The source Instruction that is being wrapped.
static CmpInst::Predicate predicateForConsistency(CmpInst *CI)
A function that swaps the predicates to their less than form if they are in a greater than form.
void setPHIPredecessors(DenseMap< BasicBlock *, unsigned > &BasicBlockToInteger)
For an IRInstructionData containing a PHINode, finds the relative distances from the incoming basic b...
SmallVector< Value *, 4 > OperVals
The values of the operands in the Instruction.
friend hash_code hash_value(const IRInstructionData &ID)
Hashes Value based on its opcode, types, and operand types.
void setBranchSuccessors(DenseMap< BasicBlock *, unsigned > &BasicBlockToInteger)
For an IRInstructionData containing a branch, finds the relative distances from the source basic bloc...
bool Legal
The legality of the wrapped instruction.
void setCalleeName(bool MatchByName=true)
For an IRInstructionData containing a CallInst, set the function name appropriately.
CmpInst::Predicate getPredicate() const
Get the predicate that the compare instruction is using for hashing the instruction.
std::optional< CmpInst::Predicate > RevisedPredicate
This is only relevant if we are wrapping a CmpInst where we needed to change the predicate of a compa...
Custom InstVisitor to classify different instructions for whether it can be analyzed for similarity.
Helper struct for converting the Instructions in a Module into a vector of unsigned integers.
DenseMap< IRInstructionData *, unsigned, IRInstructionDataTraits > InstructionIntegerMap
Correspondence from IRInstructionData to unsigned integers.
SpecificBumpPtrAllocator< IRInstructionDataList > * IDLAllocator
This allocator pointer is in charge of creating the IRInstructionDataList so it is not deallocated un...
SpecificBumpPtrAllocator< IRInstructionData > * InstDataAllocator
This allocator pointer is in charge of holding on to the IRInstructionData so it is not deallocated u...
bool EnableMatchCallsByName
Marks whether we should use exact function names, as well as types to find similarity between calls.
unsigned LegalInstrNumber
The next available integer to assign to a legal Instruction to.
unsigned IllegalInstrNumber
The starting illegal instruction number to map to.
InstructionClassification InstClassifier
Maps an Instruction to a member of InstrType.
void initializeForBBs(Function &F, unsigned &BBNumber)
Assigns values to all the basic blocks in function F starting from integer BBNumber.
bool HaveLegalRange
Marks whether we have found a set of instructions that is long enough to be considered for similarity...
void initializeForBBs(Module &M)
Assigns values to all the basic blocks in Module M.
IRInstructionData * allocateIRInstructionData(Instruction &I, bool Legality, IRInstructionDataList &IDL)
Get an allocated IRInstructionData struct using the InstDataAllocator.
IRInstructionMapper(SpecificBumpPtrAllocator< IRInstructionData > *IDA, SpecificBumpPtrAllocator< IRInstructionDataList > *IDLA)
bool CanCombineWithPrevInstr
Marks whether we found a illegal instruction in the previous step.
DenseMap< BasicBlock *, unsigned > BasicBlockToInteger
A mapping for a basic block in a module to its assigned number/location in the module.
IRInstructionDataList * allocateIRInstructionDataList()
Get an allocated IRInstructionDataList object using the IDLAllocator.
unsigned mapToLegalUnsigned(BasicBlock::iterator &It, std::vector< unsigned > &IntegerMappingForBB, std::vector< IRInstructionData * > &InstrListForBB)
Maps an Instruction to a legal integer.
void convertToUnsignedVec(BasicBlock &BB, std::vector< IRInstructionData * > &InstrList, std::vector< unsigned > &IntegerMapping)
Maps the Instructions in a BasicBlock BB to legal or illegal integers determined by InstrType.
bool AddedIllegalLastTime
Set if we added an illegal number in the previous step.
unsigned mapToIllegalUnsigned(BasicBlock::iterator &It, std::vector< unsigned > &IntegerMappingForBB, std::vector< IRInstructionData * > &InstrListForBB, bool End=false)
Maps an Instruction to an illegal integer.
DenseMap< unsigned, DenseSet< unsigned > > & ValueNumberMapping
The current mapping of global value numbers from one IRSimilarityCandidate to another IRSimilarityCan...
const IRSimilarityCandidate & IRSC
The IRSimilarityCandidate that holds the instruction the OperVals were pulled from.
ArrayRef< Value * > & OperVals
The operand values to be analyzed.
A helper struct to hold the candidate, for a branch instruction, the relative location of a label,...
const IRSimilarityCandidate & IRSC
The IRSimilarityCandidate that holds the instruction the relative location was pulled from.
A CRTP mix-in to automatically provide informational APIs needed for passes.
Definition: PassManager.h:69